Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cultivation Series Vol. 1

We are currently underway working towards the release of the first installment of the Cultivation Series. Featured contributors are Steve Brand, Andrew Lagowski, WILT (James Keeler) and Mannequin Hollowcaust. This release will also feature one or two previously unreleased tracks from Kuwahara.
We've decided to scrap the 3" format as it may not be suitable for all machines and limited packaging options. We are still looking towards mid to late July for this release. More to come. In the meantime please join the mailing list for further announcements. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Submission Deadline

Round One of the Cultivation Series is now closed. All remixes have been received and/or arrangements have been made for all late entries. We appreciate all your work and are eager to finalize this and get it ready for release as soon as possible (projected for early July). Submissions for Round 2 are now being accepted. Contact mpeckmusic (@) or mysteryhearsay (@) for guidelines. More to come...